Shorti 20/08/2005 – 25/11/2010

Our litlle Shorti was run over by a car yesterday. We were on our way back from PE when Tannie Ansie called with the news. We think that he died instantly and did’nt suffer. It was almost to the day six years ago that Michael arrived with this small little puppy that he found next to the road at Magnas. Fletch gave him one look and loved him instantly and trained him and taught him everything he knew. Michael spat in his mouth and he and Shorti had such a special bond. He was daddy’s little dog, and slept with Michael every night. It took me about an extra hour to love him as much as I could. I was’nt sure if I wanted two dogs, but now I can’t remember times before him.
Ou Shorti. He had a very special little personality, took life very seriously and had little habits of his own, things that Fletch didn’t teach him. He walked with a person in the garden and looked at plants, he went to work with Michael in the bakkie sitting seriously upright. Every morning he would go outside and upset the whole neighborhood’s dogs, and when he came back he was always so stoked on life, laughing and shaking his little body. Shorti took his job as security very seriously, looking after us and protecting the chickens.
Shorti had very strange habits:

  • He stalked his water, and would only drink water when very thirsty.
  • He just couldn’t sit on hard surfaces and would pace around and around until some either brought him a pillow or got up for him to sit on their chair.
  • He nibbled Fletchi all the time, and would sometimes get a bit aggressive and tear Fletches fur out in chunks.
  • He “poepolled” a person, always wanter you to scratch hies bum.
  • He could cheer a person up a bit, if anybody got upset or mad at him he would growl at them and make you laugh.
  • He loved biting the inside of ones leg with his little front teeth and make you scream with pain.

    Sadness sits in ones whole body, it gives you a headache, makes your shoulders tight and you are not sure what to do next.
    Michael dug a grave for Shorti, just across the stream on the other side of the kloof. He lies in a beautiful place in the sun where he won’t get too cold and I can still go talk to him.
    We loved you Shorti baby poni.

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